MMA Institute in Richmond Va is regarded as the best MMA School in Virginia. Sporting the largest and most successful fight team and producing fighters competing in all major organizations around the world. MMA Institute already has $1,000 guarantee that they have the best training and instructors. Now they have taken it even further with a $50,000 challenge, their fight team against any other team in Virginia. MMA institute has long been recognized as the best and most active MMA team in the state by the people that really know the sport. Unfortunately every school out there claims to be the best no matter how unqualified or if they are teaching out of their garage. This challenge really isn’t for the few legit gyms in Va out there(though they stand by being the best) This is more for the gyms that lie to their students about the training they are receiving and taking advantage of the uninformed. MMA Institute will put up $50,000 and the challenger school will put up the same. They will have one fighter in every weight class from 125 up to heavyweight. The team that has the most wins takes all the money, that simple! Will anyone take them up on this challenge?