There is no question this New York based musician, Eli Lieb first got attention when his homespun YouTube videos began receiving millions of views. His two most popular videos are Lana Del Rey – Born to Die and Adele – Someone like you.
Eli started recording his “Place of Paradise” song about 18 months ago. He released it on YouTube in September, 2011 and it already has nearly 200,000 views. When asked what inspired his songs Eli said, “Everything reflects something that is going in my life at the present time. Some of them can be pretty emotionally intense… “Place of Paradise,” specifically, that one is a good song that sort of is representative of how I feel about life in general. It’s a song about trying to find that place of paradise inside of yourself… The song is sort of about breaking down all of your walls and letting go of what you think will make you happy and to start looking inside of yourself.”
The Lana Del Rey cover of Born to Die has been the fastest growing cover song that Mr Lieb has uploaded to YouTube to date with over 565,000 views in only 4 months! He will be releasing more originals and covers as time goes on.
If you want to download or follow Eli
ON ITUNES!!: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/eli-lieb/id467628121
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#Born to Die #Eli Lieb #Lana Del Ray #songs